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Aromatic Oil

Services offered by Ruth 

I have 40 years experience in the health and healing space and have trained in many modalities that focus on healing 

What I offer is a melding and merging of many years of learning, personal growth and spiritual awareness. Each session is tailored to the Individual and delivered with presence and care.

Creation of your own custom blend of essential oils with specific intention. Your personal blend harmonises with you and brings in balance and harmony where it is needed. Natures Alchemy and mysterious intelligence communicates with your being. 

How is it made? 

An initial phone consultation establishes your intent and purpose.

I then spend time developing the blend using knowledge and intuition of the synergy of various essential oils.

What do you get? 

A personalised labelled bottle of an anointing oil blend with a personal message.

How do I use it?  

Anoint your main energy points daily ( heart, temples, wrists, base of the spine, back of the neck and crown) Notice how you feel the first time you use and write down your impressions. Keep using your your blend until finished and just follow your intuition. It works subtly and energetically to shift and change your mind, body , mental and spiritual energies 

How much does it cost? 

125 plus postage 

Ruth connecting with her work with essential oils to create aromas and intuitive blending

Energetic Healing

Energetic healing session with Ruth using 20 + years of experience with hands on energy work combined with essential oils and other modalities such as Matrix re-imprinting to help you  Release blockages, bring in healing energy. Relax and Rejuvenate with this nurturing experience of presence and natures Alchemy. 

Sessions are in my healing space in my home and by appointment only 

1.0 hours duration 125 or book 1 1/2 hours for 150 

gentle healing hands representing the nature of healing hands on sessions wth Ruth

Group Events & Workshops

I am available on the Gold Coast area to facilitate essential oil blending in an informative workshop that educates about the unique properties of the various groups of plant essences. Trees, Resins,Flowers, Herbs & Citrus.

This is a fun and engaging activity, which will have you connecting with essential oils on a whole new level. 

Participants will get to experience a large range of oils and intuitively create their own personal blend into a perfume oil.

I have facilitated this workshop at retreats and a baby shower. 

You could organise a gathering of friends or think outside the box and have a different spin on a hens party, baby shower, Birthday party etc

I come to you with everything supplied

The workshop runs over 2+ hours 

Minimum of 6 people required 

Cost is $100 to cover travel time and materials plus 50 per person.

Connect via email with your enquiry 

workshop gathering run by Ruth at a retreat showing ladies engaging in the activity of choosing their oils and reading about their metaphysical properties
wide selections of essential oils with beautiful insight cards to help with choosing oils at workshop


melanie kay from star body earth as a collaborator for essential alchemy course

Melanie Kay

Co Facilitator and developer of Essential Alchemy online course.

Deep dive into the essence of yourself with natures essential oils 

sarah waite is a student of western herbalism and a reiki practitioner who contributes to my urth

Sarah Waite

selection of herbs for herbal infusion workshop run by Ruth at my urth

Ruth Carey

picture of Ruth working with and connecting her oils intuitively with beautiful clear quartz crystal rock


Collaborations can be fun and creative. They require good communication and a common goal. 

Some examples could be adding an activity to your event or workshop that will enhance the experience 



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