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Can essential oils help your emotional wellbeing? Absolutely!

Updated: Jul 28, 2023

Essential oils can be a useful tool to support emotional well-being, but it's important to note that they should not be used as a replacement for professional emotional support from a therapist or counselor.

By acting directly on the emotional and mental bodies, essential oils , when chosen correctly and ensuring they are genuine can have a profound effect.

If you are looking to incorporate essential oils into your emotional support routine, there are several oils that are commonly used for this purpose:

  1. Lavender: Lavender is a popular essential oil for promoting relaxation and reducing anxiety. She is a Universal healer that really delivers when you need her

"She has a time a place

She loves to come to your rescue"

  1. Bergamot: Bergamot is known for its mood-boosting properties and can help reduce feelings of stress and anxiety.

"She enlivens and lifts the spirit

Transports your spirit out of a place of darkness into a place of lightness"

  1. Ylang ylang: Ylang ylang is often used to promote relaxation and reduce feelings of tension or frustration.

She Calms and centres and connects the mind to the all the bodies helping you to drop into presence.

  1. Frankincense: Frankincense is commonly used to promote feelings of calm and relaxation.

Clears clutter and focus the mind

Calms anxious thoughts

Brings the mind into the present moment

Excellent mediation aid

  1. Chamomile: Chamomile is known for its soothing properties and can help promote relaxation and reduce feelings of anxiety.

She Neutralises & Releases long held emotional pain that has manifested as chronic tension in the body.

This is an oil that never gives up. Use it long term for deep work

Chamomile will help you generate self love and transform feelings of self disgust,abandonment,grief,and anger

When using essential oils for emotional support, it's important to use them safely and correctly. Essential oils should always be diluted before applying them topically. A general rule is 1-5% and they should never be ingested unless directed by a trained professional.

Inhaling oils directly from the bottle, or diluting and massaging them onto your body, or making a quick mist are just a few ways to incorporate essential oils into your life for emotional support.

They have a subtle energetic effect and also some physical effect on the body.

If you have the opportunity to inhale different essential oils, observe how you react to each oil. This can help you find the best oils for you.

The oils listed here however, are well known and researched for their emotional support.

We have a few body mists, oil perfumes and essential oils that you may find helpful..

As part of the Preperation for the essential alchemy course with Melanie from Star:: Body::Earth we did a deep dive into the essence of 32 oils and the messages here are just a snippet of what we received from these amazing healers. Online Course and companion oil kit coming late 2023.

You can also book a healing ,nurturing massage with me which brings in the healing properties of essential oils. Or you may choose to have your own blend made for you personally.

Plants are our allies and natures gift to us. Essential oils are a great gift and I believe, because they are so fast acting they are perfectly suited to our modern fast paced times and those looking for quick actions.

Ruth Carey

Health disclaimer: It's also important to consult with a healthcare professional before using essential oils, especially if you are pregnant, breastfeeding, or have any underlying health conditions.

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