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Deep Dive with Orange essential oil

Greatest gift Joy and Optimism

Orange Citrus sinensis

Family. Rutacaea

Parts used. The rind cold pressed and you can also now get distilled citrus oils

Energy. Neutral

Element. Wood

Orange is derived from the Sanskrit word for fruit naranj

Physical. Unblocks and circulates stagnant Qi in the liver, stomach and intestines

You can massage orange oil diluted onto your abdomen as a digestive tonic

Smelling orange essential oil from the bottle can stimulate appetite

Mental. Smelling orange oil can dispel anger quite quickly

Brings in optimism, ease and adaptability

Emotional Helps you digest difficult emotions

Helps children and adults alike process anger and frustration

Tantrum specific in children

Spiritual. Works with your inner child and children alike through its friendly disposition

Access to the joy of the heart

Supports children and inner child through difficulty

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